

Have you considered becoming a Partner?

A majority of my ministry in Missions works through the LORD’s provision and that provision is often through my partners. Partners help in everything from prayer to finances; with that said, I will always welcome any and all support, so that we might see the big picture of what God has for my ministry, together. 

  • Ways you can take action and give now
  • Check out my official RedBubble Store
  • Help put money towards my ministry using Venmo or money sent toward this address: 73 Millers Falls Road, Turners Falls 01376 
  • Pray for me in my ministry, that I continue to serve the body of Christ with awesome work and tasks ahead
Check out my Store
Monthly Support
Support Me

Missionary life isn't funded by a normal hourly wage or annual salary, but rather fully funded by the LORD's Church as a body of believers, regardless of how big or little the contribution. This does not come without saying but to each and everyone who has given, who is giving right now, and will give later, thank you. 

Ways you can pray for me going forward

  • Pray that my ministry continues to aid in furthering God's Will alone, as part of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20)
  • Pray that The LORD would continue to keep my ministry fully funded, that God will provide what is needed and more
  • Pray for my spiritual health (all health is good too), that my relationship with Christ will continue to grow, prospering new fruits in life.
  • Pray whatever the Holy Spirit puts in your heart